Funded by Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation
100.000 Euros
Role: PI
The Secret Garden of politics: candidate selection in portugal: 1975-2019
Funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
239.949 Euros
Role: co-PI
Candidate selection in portugal: experimental evidence
Funded by ANR, DFG, ESRC, NWO
2.5 million Euros
Role: Project Coordinator
Pathways to power: the political representation of citizens of immigrant origin in seven european democracies
The current project aims to make the most comprehensive data collection on candidate selection in Portugal. According to our codebook, our data collection effort will cover all national elections in Portugal since democratization, from 1975 through 2019. To the best of my knowledge, there are only two countries in Europe for which individual-level data for all candidates have been collected for an extended period of observation: the United Kingdom (van Heerde-Hudson and Campbell 2015) and Norway (Fiva and Smith 2017). Our goal is to retrieve information on all candidates, for all political parties, even for those who have not garnered sufficient support to elect a representative to parliament.
A cooperative international endeavor on the political representation of citizens of immigrant origin in seven European Democracies. Immigration is one of the most important challenges facing Europe today. Social and political participation constitutes the ultimate expression of integration in society. Our project seeks to advance knowledge on descriptive representation of citizens of immigrant origin at the national and regional levels over a twenty year period. Additionally, the project adds an innovative dimension by examining substantive representation of citizens of immigrant origin at the national level. We examine participation patterns in France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, and United Kingdom.
The current project examines candidate selection in Portugal. in doing so, we use survey experiments, surveys, and interviews to understand the micro-foundations of the secret garden of politics